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Mini's birthday gift class 3 chapter English all questions and answers

 All question and answer in class 3 subject English chapter "mini's birthday gift" Education k notes and all general knowledge k liye mere blog ko follow Karen.

A vision of Hell

A vision of hell

 Once Gabriel( peace be upon him) came to the Holy Prophet and he saw that Gabriel was kindly upset. 

He said," Gabriel, what's the matter that I see you in a sad moment?" I've come with a vision of Hell. After seeing it, signs of grief appeared in me.

 The Holy Prophet said, Gabriel, tell me the conditions of Hell. Gabriel said, there are seven situations in Hell. 

 Allah will place the hypocrites in the smallest rank among them 

 In the sixth position above this, Allah will kill the polytheists 

 Above this, in the fifth position, Allah will place those who worship the sun and the moon 

In the fourth position, Allah will put the fire- worshipping people 

 In the third order, Allah will put the Jews 

 AllahTa'ala put the Christians in the alternate position 

 After saying this, Gabriel came silent, also the Prophet asked 

Gabriel, why are you silent? Tell me who'll be in the first rank 

 Gabriel( peace be upon him) submitted 

 O Messenger of Allah, Allah will put the wrongdoers of your Ummah in the first rank 

 When the Holy Prophet heard that my Ummah will also be cast into hell, he was veritably sad and began to supplicate to Allah. They would go to the room and close the door and cry before Allah. The Companions were surprised that this condition had chanced the Prophet. They went from the synagogue to the room. 

They aren't indeed visiting home. When the third day came, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr didn't leave, he came to the door, knocked, and saluted, but there was no response to the greeting. 

He came to Sayyiduna Umar while crying and said," I accredited but didn't admit a reply to the greeting, so you should go. You may admit a reply to the greeting. However, you accredited three times, but there was no reply If you went." Hazrat Salman Farsi mentioned the incident to Ali( may Allah be pleased with him) and he allowed

 that when so numerous great numbers didn't admit a greeting, also I shouldn't go myself moreover. 

 Rather, I want to shoot his Noor Nazar son Fatima outside. thus, he told Fatima all the data and she came to the door of the room 

" Father, Islam and peace be upon you" 

 Hearing his son's voice, cherished Kainat got up, opened the door, and answered the greeting 

Father, what's the condition of you that you have been then for three days? 

 The Prophet said that Gabriel has informed me that my Ummah will also go to Hell. 

 The anguish of the wrongdoers is being consumed and I'm soliciting to my Lord that Allah forgives them and frees them from Hell. Saying this, you again went into exhaustion and started crying. Have mercy and free them from hell 

 That is such a time the command came" 

 Do not be sad, my cherished, I'll give you so much that you'll be satisfied. 

 He got up with joy and said," People, Allah has promised me that on the Day of Judgment He'll satisfy me in the matter of my ummah and I'll not be satisfied until the last of my ummah goes to heaven." musketeers, take care of the poor and indigent around you. 

 Gashes came from my eyes while writing that our Prophet is so kind and compassionate and what did we give him in return.?? 

 Your one second is a means of conveying this jotting to other people. 

I submissively appeal to you that we all partake in useless and meaningless posts. 

Why not partake in this aspect of your Prophet's mercy moment.

 Let's partake one by one and contribute.

Do you know who's a wrongdoer to come to the right path!

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